High School Library

Logging into Your Destiny Account

Destiny is the management system used to check out library books, textbooks and devices.

Logging into your account allows you to,

  • See what you have checked out and when they are due.

  • Check out e-books from Destiny Discover.

  • Browse the PRA HS library collection and place books on hold.

To log into your account, go to https://prospectridgeacademy.follettdestiny.com

If you have questions, please email me at lcastelano@prospectridgeacademy.org

 Best regards,
Mrs. Castelano

PRA Library Guiding Statements


Online Resource Links

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How to Log into your Destiny Account

Click on Prospect Ridge Academy


Click on Log In

screen shot

User Name: Student ID
Password: 8-digit birth date


National Banned Book Week

Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. Typically held during the last week of September, it spotlights current and historical attempts to censor books in libraries and schools. To read more about banned books from the American Library Association, go to http://www.ala.org/advocacy/bbooks/banned

"Censorship prevents readers from seeing things from a different perspective, through the eyes of another. It closes off worlds that should otherwise be opened to readers. A multiplicity of views is essential to our freedom."
Dr. Thomas LeCarner, J.D., Ph.D., HS English Teacher

 "Books are usually banned because they make people uncomfortable. And THAT is one of the most powerful aspects of good literature -- to challenge accepted beliefs, to speak truth to power, to make people consider their life choices on a more fundamental level."
Ari Finkelstein, HS English Teacher

"Banned books challenge societal norms, standards society has been conditioned to uphold, by promoting awareness and radical change."
Erica Stockbridge, HS English Teacher


The Library offers students the opportunity to make copies. Copies are $.05 for each printed side and for your convenience we have punch cards, 20 punches for $1. The cards are kept in the library and will roll-over into the next year if you haven't used it up by the end of the school year.

Student Supplies

Need a pencil, pen, notecards or sticky note? The library has supplies.

Authorization for MS Students to Check-out Books from the HS Library

All materials housed in the high school library are only available to high school students. Middle school students wishing to check out books from the high school need to have parent permission. Parents will need to email Lori Castelano, high school librarian, at lcastelano@prospectridgeacademy.org with the title and author of the book they are authorizing their student to check out. The book will be delivered to the K8 library for the student.

HS Library Technology Policy

The use of computers and other technology, including but not limited to: Chromebooks, headphones, and Ti 84 calculators is a privilege with responsibilities. Failure to abide by the following guidelines may result in loss of privileges and/or financial consequences. 

• Do not attempt to modify the appearance of or operation of any technology equipment. This includes, but is not limited to commands, copying or installing software, setting passcode locks, or copying files of any type. Equipment should remain in its original or teacher-set configuration.

• Tampering with or vandalizing hardware, software, or data will not be tolerated. It is each students responsibility to check the computer before and after use and to report problems to librarian immediately. 

• Students will only use applications, software, and programs required to complete assignments/projects, and only those that have been approved by the teacher of the applicable class. Failure to stay “on task may result in the loss of technology privileges and/or further disciplinary actions.

• No web sites, software, apps, or other media should be printed, shared, e-mailed, or downloaded without teacher approval.

• All equipment is to be returned by 3:15 on the day of check out. At no point should the borrowed equipment leave the school’s campus.

Student Memes



