Drop Off / Pick Up
As a K12 campus, with elementary, middle and high school students beginning and ending the day at the same time, we know that working together in an organized manner is the key to success in dropping off and picking up students.
Students can be dropped off starting at 7:45 am and should be picked up by 3:40 pm. Students not picked up by 3:40 pm will be sent to our after-school care program.
Below you will find drive line expectations and reminders and carpool options.
Drive Line
We have established clear drive line procedures to make the drop-off and pick-up process as smooth as possible for our community.
Driveline Reminders
Drop-off students between 7:45-8:10 am
The cutout (on Preble Creek) is for drop/go – not parking
For park/walk – use the High School middle parking lot, Alcott Way or Indian Peaks Parkway
If you park on Indian Peaks Parkway, cars cannot be left unattended. One adult can walk with the child while another would need to stay with the vehicle.
Students not seated in the classroom when the bell rings at 8:15 am are considered tardy (tardy students not signed-in by a parent are given an unexcused tardy)
If you do not have a K8 student, please do not use the ES drive line. Instead, use the HS drive line, drop/go, or park/walk
Have your student ready to go before entering drive line
For pick-up, parents can enter driveline beginning at 3:05 pm
Car Pool Options
We are pleased to continue our partnership with Schoolpool to help parents get their students to/from school. Schoolpool is a service of Way to Go, a federally funded program of the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG). It’s free and there is no obligation to participate.
Click here, navigate to Prospect Ridge Academy on the list of schools, and create an account. Once registered, parents can find and contact interested PRA families in their area. The more families that register the more likely parents are able to find good matches. Click here for more information about registering for Schoolpool.
Learn more at www.waytogo.org/getting-around/schoolpool. Contact Way to Go at 303-458-7665 or waytogo@drcog.org for assistance.
Partnering with Other Families
Families can also use our private Facebook groups to connect with other families interested in carpooling. You'll find links to these groups on our Connect with Us page.
Note: Admission to the groups is limited to those listed in Infinite Campus as guardians of PRA students.