K8 Dress Code: Dress for Success
K8 Dress Code
Students may wear any solid color shirt (no patterns) with collar and sleeves. The only allowable logo is a PRA logo, but it is optional.
Students may wear any solid color sweater, including cardigans, pullovers or sweater vests, over an approved collared shirt.
All shirts should hang loosely and must cover the bottom of the waistband of the lower garment.
Dress shirts are to be tucked in (straight-hemmed shirts need not be tucked in).
Pants and Shorts
Students may wear khaki- style pants or shorts in colors of khaki, navy, gray or black that hang from the waist with no undergarments showing.
Shorts must fall no higher than three (3) inches above the knee.
Leggings are permitted only under skirts, dresses, or jumpers.
Sweat pants, yoga pants, and athletic pants are permitted only during physical education (PE) and on PRA spirit days.
Skirts, Skorts, Dresses, and Jumpers
Students may wear khaki, navy, gray or black skirts, skorts, or jumpers.
Students may wear any solid color polo dress with sleeves or a sleeveless dress covered with an approved sweater.
Dresses and jumpers must fall no higher than three (3) inches above the knee.
Skirts and skorts must hang from the waist and fall no higher than three (3) inches above the knee.
Hats, Outerwear, and Accessories
Hats of any kind (including visors), hoods, bandanas, outerwear and sunglasses or any items that conceal a student’s identity cannot be worn in school at any time.
Accessories that pose a safety risk, such as spikes and chains, are not permitted.
Belts are optional.
Ties are optional.
Hair should be neat and clean and must be of natural tones. Extreme hairstyles (such as mohawks) are not acceptable.
Shoes are to fully enclose the feet; no open-toed, sling-backed or barebacked shoes.
NOT PERMITTED: shoes with built-in wheels.
P.E. Class Shoes
All K-5 students in elementary P.E. are asked to wear tennis shoes on their P.E. days. We ask that shoes cover the entire foot, tie, tighten, or velcro, and provide traction. In general, Vans or Converse are OK as long as the shoe has laces to tie. Shoes that are not considered tennis shoes are boots, anything with a heel, sandals, slip-on shoes, and dress shoes.
Spirit Day Dress Code K12
There are two types of spirit days at PRA:
Student Council “theme” days
Student Council will determine a theme. Past themes include:
crazy hair, Hawaiian, ’80’s, superhero, etc. On those theme days, students may dress according to the theme; participation is optional.
If they choose not to participate, they must be wearing Dress Code-compliant clothing.
Some of these special spirit days are $1 for students to participate. Money raised goes toward groups’ activities, charities, and our sponsorship of a student in Africa.
PRA Spirit Days
School spirit is celebrated on PRA spirit days.
Attire is PRA spirit wear.
If students do not own any spirit wear, they may wear solid yellow and black colors.
Articles of clothing with logos, emblems, words, etc., that are not related to PRA are not considered acceptable spirit wear. For instance, Batman is yellow and black but is not considered PRA spirit wear.
Because PRA is a college preparatory school, college spirit wear is acceptable on spirit days. It must be evident college spirit wear.
Jeans (K8) and athletic wear (athletic shorts/pants, yoga pants) (K12) are permitted on Spirit Days only.